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For questions, comments, or to request sheet music for a song from my portfolio please use the contact form below!


Please note that sheet music is currently only available in the PDF format.  Also note that it may not be free or readily available for all my compositions.  However, given adequate time to prepare the music I'm willing to make any of my pieces available even in hard copy.  Contact me for more information.


In the future I hope to have sheet music available for purchase on this site or through a third party site.

I am currently taking commissions!


At the moment I don't have set rates for my commissions and determine cost on a case by case basis.  That means that I am willing to do commissions for as little as a subway sandwich to as much money as you're willing to give me.  Below is a list of factors I take into account to determine rates:


  • Genre - While, like most composers, I'm open to writing in any style or genre, it will take more time and work (and thus cost more) to write in a style I'm unfamiliar with.  My best styles currently are orchestral and electronic - see my portfolio and Soundcloud for examples.

  • Instrumentation - An orchestral work will take significantly more work than an electronic piece as there are far more parts to write with more expression

  • Length/number of songs - An album of songs or a complete soundtrack obviously will take a lot more work than a single song.  A short song/jingle or sound effect will be the least expensive but a full soundtrack the most expensive.

  • Difficulty - If a song type, genre, or instrumentation is particularly difficult to write for it may cost more.

  • Production Cost - Some types of music creation require special tools or live recordings.  Especially in the case of live recordings, cost will be significantly higher because  musicians - especially the better ones - don't work for free.

  • Time - A the time of writing this it takes me a minimum of 8 hours to write a  4 minute electronic track/song and a minimum of 80 hours for a 4-5 minute orchestral piece.   I love writing music but as I don't currently do so full-time, I don't always have time available to work.  However, if I'm paid for my time, I'll make more time to work at a higher quality and more quickly within a reasonable deadline.

  • Other - When you commission me you might also want to get sheet music, related computer files, physical media, or more.  These are all things that would likely cost extra due to the time and materials needed to produce them.


Once again, I determine rates on a case by case basis.


If you would like to commission music from me please contact me using the form to the left or by emailing me at djakestudio[at]gmail[dot]com and include "commission" in the subject line.


I will consider every request that I get but keep in mind that I reserve the right to decline commissions for any reason.


Feel free to contact me with any questions!

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