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Welcome to my portfolio pages!  Scroll down through this page to check out my different songs and click the soundcloud player below each title to hear the song.  You can also read the discription of each song below the player.  Click one of the links to the right to advance to that type of music or song with the page.  Thanks for checking out my portfolio!  If you have any questions or comments or to request seet music feel free to contact me at the contact page above!



Dallen Robinson

My Music
Solo, Duet, and Small Ensemble Music
Rio Desierto (2016)
1. Rio Desierto

Work for solo four mallet marimba. Sheet music available.

          Rio Desierto is a semi-programmatic piece for solo four-mallet marimba.  The title is Spanish and can mean either Desert River or deserted river the former being the better translation.  In this case it is meant in both ways in that the song is meant to represent the emptiness of a dry desert wash and the sudden fierceness of the flash flood that carved the wash in the first place.  Programmatically it can be divided into three parts.  Part one represents an observer coming across a desert wash and imagining that a flood may have carved the gouge through the desert.  Part two is the gathering of rainclouds over the desert and the rain as it begins to fall.  The final part restates the beginning as the observer now sees the true result of the flash flood as it powers down the gouge muddy and fierce similarly to how it was imagined but not quite the same.

2. Vines
3. Trial By Fire

Other Music Types:



Orchestral Music


Choral Music


Sacred Music

4. Naming Day

Work for two-mallet solo marimba. Sheet Music Available.  Recording Forthcoming.

          This marimba etude entitled Vines (Formerly titled Confusion) was written based on another etude entitled Etude 1955 that had a similar minor sound.  It is a marimba solo for two mallets though for some it may be easier to use 3 or 4 for some sections.  Vines features a 12/8 time signature that switches with a fast 4/4 and 6/8.  The etude features some sticking challenges especially when using two mallets.

Vines (2014)
Trial By Fire (2014)

Solo for Piano.  Sheet music available on request.

          A trial by fire, sometimes defined as a trial by ordeal, was a practice were someone’s innocence or guilt was determined by whether or not they could complete a task, sometimes meaning the difference between life and death.  Trial by Fire is a creative reflection on this idea.  For some, the creation of music or other art is a matter of inspiration.  It is a fact however that in a world of deadlines one’s muse doesn’t always appear in the moment needed and we are forced to work without inspiration.  It is those times that can feel like a trial by fire and it is also those times that, when success comes, bring the most satisfying results.

Naming Day (2013)

Solo work for Piano.  Sheet music available on request.

          Written in the 20th century style of impressionism Naming Day is a different genre than people most are used to listening to.  In a music theory sense, it features quartals, quintals, a whole tone scale, diatonic plaining, an octatonic scale, and the modes D Dorian and A Phrygian.  Naming Day is inspired by the nervous anticipation of something new or important.  The title comes from the idea that someone has lived without a name and as the day comes that they are to receive one they are restless both excited and fearful of what they might be called.  Upon receipt of a name the person’s nerves hardly calm but at the same time there is a sense of foundation or finality to it all.

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